
What our customers say

Stefan Bachmann

“decareto is an elementary component of our consulting portfolio.”

Konrad Becker
Owner, VINDEX Datenschutz

“decareto has become an indispensable tool for our company in a short time.”

CEO/ Co-Founder, Im
Impunix AG – Data Protection Full Service

“decareto’s website privacy scanner delivers reliable results that can be customized by jurisdiction and are also understandable to those responsible for the websites at the client’s site.”

Wolfgang Evers
“decareto is the most professional solution for analyzing a website.”
Dietmar Faude
External Data Protection Officer, SIDAPRON GmbH
“To be able to check websites in a qualified, economical, and regular manner, I have decided to use decareto’s DSGVO scanner.”
Thomas Floß
EDV-Unternehmensberatung Floß GmbH
“With our partner decareto we are playing in the upper third of the Champions League.”
Rafael Gaus
Managing Director, Konzepttreu GmbH
“The time saved is simply phenomenal and I now have much more time for other projects.”
Edmund Hil
Managing Director, hilt evolution
“The time saved is simply phenomenal and I now have much more time for other projects.”
Ingo Krause
Managing Director, Data Orga GmbH
“We’ve been working with decareto since 2021 and with it, the overall standard of the websites has been increased by more than 70%.”
Beatriz Loos
Managing Director, SiDIT GmbH
“decareto is a great help for us to find out which services are actually included in a website.”
Sven Meyzis
Owner, IT.DS Consulting
“Thanks to its clear presentation, the decareto app is also ideally suited for companies without a great deal of data protection knowledge.”
Ralf Müller
Managing Director, GesMIT mbH

“We intensively tested many providers on the market and finally chose decareto – A choice that, even in retrospect, turned out to be the right one.”

Dirk Munker
Managing Partner, Munker Privacy Consulting GmbH

“decareto provides us with the professional support we have long been looking for […]”

Stefan Pietsch
Managing Director, Pietsch IT GmbH
“decareto reliably supports us in this task and we automatically receive information about all relevant changes.”
Maak Roberts
LEROIL Datenschutz
“Regarding the support, we have to say: Very personal and lightning fast!”
Markus Ryhsen
Senior Audit Manager, Head of IT Audit ,Tengelmann Audit GmbH
“decareto is the ‘gold standard’ in the market of tools for automated website audits.”
Günther Schwierzy
Managing Director, Schwierzy&Partner KG
“With the proactive monitoring of customer websites, we receive fast and reliable information about critical changes to the websites, even and especially when marketing was once again too impatient.”
Anja Spittler
Systemanalysen und IT-Lösungen

“decareto has been able to show customization options on all the pages I have scanned, making it an indispensable part of my everyday work.”

Ralf Turban
“We are happy to give it 5 out of 5 stars and would not want to do without the tool in our daily work!”
Steffen Wacker

“decareto has become an outstanding tool and one can guess which additional functions will be added in the future.”

Wolfgang Wenk
Data Protection Officer/Auditor (TÜV, UDIS)
“We serve many clients and agencies for whom decareto is the ideal tool to check whether their website complies with the EU-DSGVO and the E-Privacy Directive.”
Sven Weschler
Managing Partner, Iqanta GmbH

“With the help of decareto, we can provide highly automated support to our customers and react immediately to deviations.”